
Geminus Schism


Geminus Schism

7 Pulse emitters.

On bandcamp now.
Download includes 400 page pdf book.
Listen and download album from Bandcamp

Presenting a project merger involving Scald and qip associates, Mr P Dempsey and Mr M Pasinski in the contract negotiation of a hyper-progressive industrial death/black metal commodity.

Track list:
Alpha Omega Decay
Twin Galactic Tides
Schizoid Rivalry | Double Occultation
Dual Termination Shock
Tandemic Dispersal
Spectral Dyad
The Bi-Fold Conclusion


Get the cd from Deformeathing Production


The first full album of Pincer Consortium "Geminus Schism". The album released as a 6-panel digipack + 20-page booklet + a code to download the album in a digital version (including an over 400 page artbook in PDF format).


Do you require an overwhelming immersive audio-visual experience with a grand concept that encompasses the universe at war with itself from beginning to end, with yourself as witness, observer, questioner, discoverer, resigned acceptor, for all your brief time here thus far, interpreting it, scientifically, religiously or otherwise, and wondering about your species’ theoretical participation in a possible distant outcome?

Do you require contemplative time to study a labyrinthine tale of perceptual metaphor or for many, the lack thereof, of the cosmic story?

Do you require a period of solitude to meditate on moments of early self-realisation, the nature of good and evil, evolutionary transition and the consequences for its former versions?

Do you require a mental trip through points in time where belief(s) in God(s) and relative mythology, the supernatural, the afterlife, intelligence extraterrestrial/artificial, and considerations surrounding the unknown, first came to thought, and were pondered in accordance with reality?

Do you require a morbid episode to brood about the development of death rituals and etiquette; conflict, struggle, its resolution, re-ignition and ultimately cyclical nature?

Do you require a recalibration window to reflect upon the analysis of purpose and whether it is ultimately relevant, as if how we mull over it is even effectively legitimate, as a learned being might judge the formative thoughts of its metamorphosing progeny?

If the answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES, then Pincer Consortium’s, ‘Geminus Schism’, a hyper-progressive industrial black/death metal album of truly Odyssean scope is for you… 


Pincer Consortium on youtube

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